Thursday, 19 April 2007

Good News!

I has some great news about my USA trip this week. I have been awarded a scholarship from the ISGB (International Society of Glass Beadmakers) to attend the gathering, which is their annual conference. I was going anyway, but now I get free registration, 1 nights accommodation and some cash towards airfare. In exchange, I will do 10 hours of volunteer work, which should be a great way to meet people. I have had 2 auctions sell this week and 2 not. I am trying out Just Beads, so I don't think I will re-list the ones that didn't sell on eBay - Ill swap them over to JB instead and see how they go. I am very pleased about the 2 sales, but they both when to my lovely friend Lisa, who I will be staying with in July - I hope I can break into the wider market also. So, the new auctions ..... click the pics to see the auction.

Thursday, 12 April 2007

Bead Auctions Up!

As you probably know, I make glass beads. As I'm on holidays, I have been getting organised, and being diligent at the torch this week. I have rounded up all the sets I have ready to sell, finally taken some decent photos and am listing lots of auctions in the next week or so. I have 3 up already, and I want to try and keep someting up constantly, so I have to work to get some more sets ready to go... Anyway, these are the sets I have up at the moment. Click the pics to go to the auctions...

Tuesday, 3 April 2007

Sad news

Well, its been a tough few days here - a lousy start to my holidays. Mystic, the youngest of our 2 dogs, has been very sick and passed away yesterday morning. He was diagnosed with Pneumonia last week, then when he seemed to get worse and we were preparing for the worst, a specialist said that he had a partially paralysed larynx. While permanent, that problem was supposed to be much less severe - the vet wasn't worried at all. But the poor little fella wouldn't let himself sleep all weekend - I think his breathing was harder when he lay down, so he wouldn't let himself.... Yesterday morning he suddenly collapsed and died almost straight away - we couldn't get to the vet in time. So, despite him being sick for several days, it was still a big shock. As all our friends know, we think of the dogs like our kids, so its been a distressing few days. I really miss the little guy. :(