(Mine are the flame beads!)
Tuesday, 26 February 2008
It's Nice to Be Noticed...
Sunday, 17 February 2008
My Funny Valentine's... Day
Anyway, for whatever reason, it was my first strike rally (although not the first time I had marched on Parliament House - but that's another story). All I can say is Wow. The atmosphere at something like that is really amazing. The adrenalin must have given me energy - I was running all over Vodaphone arena catching up with colleagues from previous schools, and I didn't feel a thing (until the next day, when I could barely walk downstairs *gulp*). Anyway, 10,000 people together, with a common goal, is quite an amazing thing.

I just love this image of the shot tower under the glass roof....
That evening, Jason and I drove down to Mornington to watch the sunset on the beach, and have Fish & Chips for dinner. We used to do that years ago, when we were engaged. We weren't sure the weather was going to cooperate, but in the end it was lovely. My new 'go anywhere' digital camera (saves me lugging the SLR around everywhere) didn't cope terribly well with the darkness, so these are a little blurry, but the colours are lovely. What I wouldn't give to be able to get that gradient of colour on a bead...
Mmmm, fresh Fish and Chips on the beach.
Wednesday, 13 February 2008
A Long Time Coming...
Friday, 8 February 2008
Spring is in air...

Wednesday, 6 February 2008
Bringing back memories...
Monday, 4 February 2008
'Spearmint Pastille's'
Getting back in the groove!