Life rattles along at a great pace as usual, leaving little time for Blogging. The dogs are changing a lot - Monty basically looks like an adult now, although I do have a few pics of 'Teen' Monty to show as well. The boys are inseparable, Mojo is Monty's little shadow 24/7, when he isn't following Jason around the house. 'Daddy's boy' doesn't begin to cover it. :) 

I haven't had a lot of time for torching lately, but I did spend quite a bit of time working on some Medieval Rosaries for an SCA Arts & Sciences Competition. It was fairly tedious making so many small round beads, but the research was interesting, and the results looked good.
I have my market again this week, and Jason is coming along to learn the ropes, so he can run it for me while I'm away OS next month. My trip is getting closer and closer - time to start some serious planning and to get really excited!! I will be taking my laptop to keep in touch with people, so I will be blogging regularly while I am travelling around the USA.