This week my lovely, talented friend Lisa tagged me as the recipient of a blogging 'award'. Apparently now it is my turn to 'tag' another 7 or so worthy blogs. My taste in blogs, like my music, is quite eclectic, so they might be a random bunch! Here goes...
- Drape's Takes is a great blog by educational technologist Darren Draper, a teacher in North America. Always interesting, and often thought provoking, it's a blog I've been disappointed to be a bit behind in reading lately.
- Common Craft. Perhaps 1 in 10 posts in this blog are really relevant to me, but it's worth it to be the first to see their amazing instructional 'In Plain English' videos about Web 2.0. If any of your friends or family don't get the 'blogging thing', point them here.
- Gal Lori is one of several blogs written by talented beadmaker Lori Greenberg. I particularly love the gems of wisdom from her kids.
- Real Tart is written by a British ex-pat author now living in New South Wales. He hasn't been blogging for the last few months, but he is back again now, and his posts are always good for a chuckle.
- Otter's Odds 'n Ends. I guess some people will think this is a strange nomination to make, as Otter doesn't blog anymore. But the posts on this blog have frequently moved me to tears, so it is well worth scrolling back through and reading them, despite the time lapse.
- Jennie's Palette is the blog for my talented friend Jennie, who paints nudes, and recently had her first solo exhibition.
And two that definitely don't need a plug from me:
- Confession of a Pioneer Woman. A humorous glimpse into a world that couldn't be more different from mine....
- The Impatient Blogger, crafty woman extraordinaire, Margot Potter.
Here’s how it works:
1) Add the logo of the award to your blog
2) Add a link to the person who awarded it to you
3) Nominate at least 7 (more or less) other blogs
4) Add links to those blogs on your blog
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs
Thank you! I'll share the love this week.
Thanks for the nomination. I can hardly contain myself. :o)
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